Day: 8 September 2015

  • Humans aren’t so special after all: The fuzzy evolutionary boundaries of Homo sapiens

    Humans aren’t so special after all: The fuzzy evolutionary boundaries of Homo sapiens

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that humans aren’t so different from our closest relatives. After all, evolution doesn’t create sharply defined edges between species. Over time, populations diverge slowly until they differ enough that we label them as a different species. Exciting new evidence of Neanderthals…

  • New Atheism?

    New Atheism?

    Last Updated on 2022-07-08 by Joop Beris Back in June of this year, I wrote an article about a book entitled “The Leprechaun Delusion.” The book argues that “New Atheism” is a harmful sociological and religious cult in its own right. Much to my surprise, one of the authors of the book, Idav Kelly, responded…