Tag: atheism

  • Creation


    We all know the image of Charles Darwin above, an elderly man with a long beard and a pensive, somewhat haunted look. You can see that this is a man who has seen things, a man who has been places and a man who has known struggle. “Creation” tells this story but also tells the…

  • Questions for atheists

    Questions for atheists

    I was browsing some atheism related blogs and found a link to a lengthy list of questions for atheists at the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry and I figured I’d have a go at answering them. You’re actually supposed to send them in via email but what good is having a blog if you’re not…

  • New Atheism?

    New Atheism?

    Back in June of this year, I wrote an article about a book entitled “The Leprechaun Delusion.” The book argues that “New Atheism” is a harmful sociological and religious cult in its own right. Much to my surprise, one of the authors of the book, Idav Kelly, responded to my article by commenting on it. …

  • Persecution complex

    Persecution complex

    I’ve mentioned before that I think religion is harmful. Among other things, it acts as a perception filter that shields the believer from reality but it also makes it difficult to see things in the light of reason. This is illustrated very well in this blog post by Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis fame.

  • What has atheism done for you?

    What has atheism done for you?

    Atheism is often seen as something negative. After all, if you reject faith, the idea of an afterlife and that there is a God out there who cares for you, your life must be rather hollow and devoid of meaning, right? Well, I will try to explain to you what atheism has done for me…

  • 20 Questions From An Atheist To Christians

    20 Questions From An Atheist To Christians

    So recently we’ve seen 3 things to say to an atheist, supposed to get atheists thinking about the reality of God and how those three things fail miserably. Fellow atheist and blogger Tim has done a much better job with 20 questions from an atheist to Christians that are actually substantial and should prove hard…