Category: Privacy

  • Is the US Senate going to put a stop to ACTA?

    Is the US Senate going to put a stop to ACTA?

    The sad and dreary tale concerning ACTA continues, unfortunately. While the European Court of Justice is examining ACTA to see if it possibly conflicts with existing EU laws and treaties, it seems that across the pond in the USA, the Senate is apparently waking up to what ACTA means, following a White House statement that…

  • ACTA moves to European Court of Justice

    ACTA moves to European Court of Justice

    Rather unsurprisingly, the ACTA news of today is that the European Parliament has suspended the ratification of ACTA. The matter will now be referred to the European Court of Justice. I write ‘unsurprisingly’ because this is exactly what the new rapporteur on ACTA, David Martin, suggested more than a week ago. So is this good…

  • ACTA is not dead

    ACTA is not dead

    With all the recent news, several European countries announcing they were going to hold off on ratifying or signing of the ACTA agreement, major newspapers announcing that ACTA is dead, the EU Court of Justice ruling that social networks can’t be forced to monitor their users for copyright violations, it would be easy to make…

  • Common myths about ACTA

    Common myths about ACTA

    The discussion about ACTA is unfortunately polluted, by both sides, by myths, half-truth and false information. This post is an attempt to provide people with correct information (as far as I can ascertain) about what is true and what is not about ACTA.

  • Breaking news: Dutch parliament against signing ACTA

    Breaking news: Dutch parliament against signing ACTA

    This was just announced by Dutch news network NOS: apparently the Dutch national Parliament has accepted a motion not to sign ACTA, due to concerns about human rights. A majority in Parliament consisting of D66, Groenlinks, PvdA,  SP and PVV stated that the ACTA agreement might conflict with the European declaration on the Rights of…

  • Lies, damned lies and ACTA

    In a response to the day of international protests against ACTA, Dutch NOS news asked the Dutch negotiator on ACTA, Minister Maxime Verhagen, for a response. In his response Minister Verhagen mentions that he doesn’t understand the commotion and that ACTA is actually good, since it enables us to take a child pornography sites offline,…