Category: Other

  • The best teachers…

    The best teachers…

    The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see, a quote by Alexandra K. Trenfor. Very true and very inspirational for all people who train, educate or raise.

  • Top 10 signs you work in IT security

    Top 10 signs you work in IT security

    The following is just a top 10 list of signs you work in IT security. It’s intended to be funny, not be used as guidelines for actual IT security.

  • Without people

    Without people

    I am fascinated with how the world would look without people. Either because people were never there or because we’ve long gone extinct. I’ve written about that topic here before, inspired by the game “Horizon, Zero Dawn“. That is set in a post-apocalyptic world strewn with the ruins of our long vanished civilization.

  • If you can’t solve a problem

    If you can’t solve a problem

    “If you can’t solve a problem, it’s because you’re playing by the rules.” ― Paul Arden, It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be

  • Mushrooms


    Every year in the fall, I take my family out for a walk in the woods near our home, to look at the mushrooms that year. Here’s an impression from this year. As to the names of these mushrooms? Beats me, at least for most of them. I just like the way they look. and…

  • Fall


    I like the fall, when the leaves turn from green to beautiful yellows, reds and light browns. Warm afternoons but chilly mornings. Gathering acorns and chestnuts. And course, fall is also the time of spiders. Morning dew makes their webs clearly visible. During a walk yesterday, I snapped this beautiful spider which I believe to…