Untimely meditations

One man's thoughts, observations and rants

Welcome to the personal blog of Joop Beris. I blog about a wide variety of topics, ranging from atheism to information security and lots in between. I welcome feedback on my articles but there are some guidelines. Feel free to share articles you like by using the sharing buttons but please give me credit if you want to share something. Also, check out my privacy policy and other legalese.

Please note that the things I write here do not represent the views of anyone else but me. I do not represent an organization or a business and I have nothing to sell. My views do not necessarily coincide with or represent those of my employer. Just throwing that in there for legal reasons.

Below you’ll find the most recent things I’ve written. Feel free to check them out, leave a comment and share them with others who might be interested.

Latest posts

  • Top 10 annoyances in online meetings

    Top 10 annoyances in online meetings

    It’s January 2021 and the world is still dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Far from being over, many countries have instated an additional lock-down to prevent the spread of the virus as much as possible. Life is far from normal and for many of us, this means we are still stuck working…

  • Book review: Mortality

    Book review: Mortality

    Mortality by Christopher Hitchens first appeared in 2012. It’s been sitting on one of my bookshelves for quite some time because something held me back from reading it. Hitchens wrote it when he “lived dyingly” as he put it, from esophageal cancer. That alone should be enough to tell you that it isn’t light reading,…

  • Rejecting Christianity

    Rejecting Christianity

    There are several articles on my blog where I explain why I am an atheist. There are plenty of reasons I can give why I don’t believe in any gods. So far though, I haven’t explained the process that lead me to reject my Christian faith. A series of events that I could not reconcile…

  • Are the Ten Commandments moral?

    Are the Ten Commandments moral?

    In 1956, director Cecil B. DeMille treated the world to his epic interpretation of the story of Exodus, where God leads the Jewish people out of bondage in Egypt. Even if you’ve never seen the “The Ten Commandments“, most people will remember the iconic scene where Mozes, played by Charlton Heston, comes down from Mount…

  • The Social Dilemma

    The Social Dilemma

    People who know me, know not to get me started on the dangers of using the internet. If you do make that mistake, you’ll get a string of cautions about using social media, how you are being tracked and profiled and how you are being sold. Even worse, you are manipulated without knowing it. However,…

  • Organizing and managing your photos

    Organizing and managing your photos

    Do you remember what shoe boxes were for a long time ago? For those of you too young to remember, let me explain. Long after the shoes that had come in the box were thrown away, the box was kept for storing copies of printed photos. The idea was that those photos would eventually be…

Recent comments

  1. I’m sorry, but you have gotten most of these accusations wrong. People do not speak FOR god, God speaks through…

What can be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

Christopher Hitchens

Author and journalist