Tag: food

  • What are your feelings about eating meat?

    What are your feelings about eating meat?

    For the writing prompt of today (for which I am way too late), WordPress asks: “What are your feelings about eating meat?” I discussed some of this in a post about becoming a vegetarian before but it’s worth exploring this topic a bit further because it’s still controversial for many people. Let’s dive in!

  • Vegetarian


    The last couple of months, I have been considering a lifestyle change. Part of that includes more exercise but also healthier living in general. Part of that is a change in diet and even adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. There are several reasons why being a vegetarian is appealing to me but also several reasons why…

  • Coffee Could Help You Tolerate the People You Work With

    Coffee Could Help You Tolerate the People You Work With

    An avid coffee drinker like myself probably needs no encouragement to regularly take in a cup of coffee.  I positively love the stuff. Drinking coffee also has several health benefits, proven by scientific research. For instance, coffee boosts brain function, helps to burn body fat and lowers your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Now, researchers…

  • African safari

    African safari

    The local ice cream parlour knows its stuff. They call this creation “African safari”. Very good on a hot day like today.