Tag: lies

  • Copyright math

    Copyright math

    One of the best explanations I have seen and heard about how exaggerated the claims of the entertainment industry are, when they claim lost profits and damage to the economy. If you have 6 minutes, you’ll gain a lot of insight!

  • Lies, damned lies and ACTA

    In a response to the day of international protests against ACTA, Dutch NOS news asked the Dutch negotiator on ACTA, Minister Maxime Verhagen, for a response. In his response Minister Verhagen mentions that he doesn’t understand the commotion and that ACTA is actually good, since it enables us to take a child pornography sites offline,…

  • ACTA protest day, February 11, 2012

    ACTA protest day, February 11, 2012

    Post edited 2012-02-12: more videos added and the reaction of Minister Verhagen has been given a post of its own, so it has been removed here. Bonus points if you can spot yours truly in any of the videos below. I was at the protest in Amsterdam today and boy, was it ever cold! Still,…