Tag: Opinion

  • Why should I care about ACTA?

    Why should I care about ACTA?

    I am getting quite a bit of feedback in my mailbox about all my campaigning and posts against ACTA. Much of it has been in support and I thank you for that. There has been no negative feedback, for which I am very grateful. However, I also receive messages along the lines of “I don’t…

  • ACTA is not necessary

    ACTA is not necessary

    For years, we have been hearing the cries of the content industry, from the RIAA, the MPAA and here in the Netherlands from Stichting Brein: “Piracy is killing us”, “If piracy continues, no more great new music/films will be made”, “Won’t you think of the artists?” and “Piracy is theft”. That’s my favourite, that last…

  • The silence of traditional media

    The silence of traditional media

    As the discussion and protests against ACTA heat up across Europe, there are several media, such as newspapers and TV, that remain silent. The protests don’t make it to the evening news, there are no articles dedicated to ACTA in newspapers. That is a shame, since these media traditionally reach a large number of people.…

  • We are no longer human

    We are no longer human

    It is said that evolution always moves forward and that it can not move backward. An amphibian, once it is an amphibian, can not go back to being a fish. Man can not return to being an ape. Species go from one form to another but always more complex, always more specialized. While this isn’t…

  • Anonymous threatens to destroy Facebook (or not?)

    Anonymous threatens to destroy Facebook (or not?)

    In strong words, Anonymous condemns Facebook for its violation of user’s privacy. In addition, the collective announces that on November 5, Facebook will be destroyed. November 5 is Guy Fawkes’ Night in the UK, on which people celebrate the foiling of the gunpowder plot to blow up the House of Lords. The Guy Fawkes’ mask…

  • Are we all going to die in 2012?

    Are we all going to die in 2012?

    There’s been a lot of talk about a major calamity striking the Earth in the year 2012, on December 21 (or other dates in the year, depending on who you’re talking to) no less. Now, that’s a fairly precise date and that alone should raise a few questions. So, are we all going to die…