Tag: advice

  • Nobody knows what they are doing

    Nobody knows what they are doing

    For the writing prompt of today (for which I am too late), WordPress asks: “Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.” There are many, many examples I could give here. I’ve even done an entire posts about the lessons I’ve learned. But in thinking to come up with a new lesson…

  • Some quotes to remember

    Some quotes to remember

    A lot of people say a lot of things a lot of the time. The introduction of the internet has only made this worse because now everybody who wants to have a platform, can have a platform. Thank you for visiting my platform, by the way. Most of what people say on their platform of…

  • You don’t want an MDM policy on your personal phone

    You don’t want an MDM policy on your personal phone

    Most people have a smartphone these days and a lot of them use a personal device both for work and in private. Lugging around two phones is a hassle so many people will opt to use their personal phone for work as well. The employer may even agree to pay your subscription for you. Unfortunately,…

  • Advice for life

    Advice for life

    In 1999 Baz Lurhman released a spoken word song with the title “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” The song is in the form of a fake commencement speech and is based on an essay by columnist Mary Schmich with the title “Advice, like youth, probably wasted on the young“. I’ve always liked this song for…