Tag: David C Pack

  • Aron Ra demolishes David C. Pack

    Aron Ra demolishes David C. Pack

    Back in April, I posted an article in response to a video series released by the “Restored Church of God“, which supposedly offers proof of God’s existence. I was seriously underwhelmed with the poor quality and (deliberate) misinformation presented in the first episode of that series. So much so that I decided not to watch…

  • “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!”

    “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!”

    I stumbled upon an absolute gem of a video series on YouTube. It is called “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!” and is a production of the Restored Church of God. The series is presented by a man called David C. Pack, who is Pastor General at the Restored Church of God. Does this…