Category: Opinion

  • What are your top ten favourite movies?

    What are your top ten favourite movies?

    As I mentioned here before, I like the new writing prompts that WordPress issues. Today was another one that I decided to pick up on. So read along as WordPress asks: What are your top ten favourite movies?

  • Some quotes to remember

    Some quotes to remember

    A lot of people say a lot of things a lot of the time. The introduction of the internet has only made this worse because now everybody who wants to have a platform, can have a platform. Thank you for visiting my platform, by the way. Most of what people say on their platform of…

  • The Great Song of Indifference

    The Great Song of Indifference

    In 1984, 10 year old me called into a national telethon to donate my allowance to aid people in Ethiopia, dying of famine. This telethon was inspired by Band Aid, organised by Irish singer – songwriter Bob Geldof. In November 1989, I was glued to the TV to watch the events around the fall of…

  • Not a fan

    Not a fan

    In 2018, British comedian Ricky Gervais released a comedy special on Netflix entitled: “Humanity“. In the intro, he commented on the title: “I don’t know why I called it that. Not a fan, to be honest.” Recently, it’s a sentiment I find myself sharing with Ricky Gervais.

  • Who cares about information security anyway?

    Who cares about information security anyway?

    So what’s my day been like? Well, I’m glad you asked dear reader! Pull up a chair, pour your favourite alcoholic beverage and strap yourselves in. This ride is going to be hard and we don’t have any airbags! Airbags sound too much like risk management and who cares about that? Who cares about information…

  • The “new normal”

    The “new normal”

    With the Covid-19 pandemic seemingly under control in the developed world, many people are aching for relief of social distancing restrictions. People want to meet each other again, go out and go on vacation. However, the virus isn’t gone so many governments insist on certain measures for the expected return to normal. Societies prepare for…