Tag: atheism

  • 10 Reasons Atheists Do It Better

    10 Reasons Atheists Do It Better

    There is a growing number of atheists in the world. There is also a growing amount of evidence pointing to the benefits of non-believing. Source: 10 Reasons Atheists Do It Better

  • “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!”

    “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!”

    I stumbled upon an absolute gem of a video series on YouTube. It is called “Does God Exist? – Many absolute proofs!” and is a production of the Restored Church of God. The series is presented by a man called David C. Pack, who is Pastor General at the Restored Church of God. Does this…

  • When you stop believing

    When you stop believing

    Some people never had a religion, having been raised without faith and never falling for its arguments. Others are either raised by parents who have faith or later fall into its clutches. I am in the latter category, though fortunately only for a brief period of time. When you first realise that your faith is…

  • Why holy books aren’t proof

    Why holy books aren’t proof

    Many people of faith see their holy book as proof, as a text that shows their faith is true. After all, their holy text is the word of God. Unfortunately, most if not all faiths claim that their holy book is the word of God. Logically they can’t all be correct (though they could all…

  • Unanswered prayers

    Unanswered prayers

    Many masses and prayer meetings that I attended when I was still a Christian involved prayer requests, which meant that members of the congregation put forward certain issues that they wanted the assembly to pray for. Quite often, such request would be along the lines of  “Mrs X is still struggling with cancer and she…

  • God created mankind in his own image

    God created mankind in his own image

    Creationists argue that mankind was created in God’s image, because the Bible says so in Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. They take this to mean that we humans resemble God.