Tag: wordpress

  • Nobody knows what they are doing

    Nobody knows what they are doing

    For the writing prompt of today (for which I am too late), WordPress asks: “Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.” There are many, many examples I could give here. I’ve even done an entire posts about the lessons I’ve learned. But in thinking to come up with a new lesson…

  • What are your top ten favourite movies?

    What are your top ten favourite movies?

    As I mentioned here before, I like the new writing prompts that WordPress issues. Today was another one that I decided to pick up on. So read along as WordPress asks: What are your top ten favourite movies?

  • Increasing content width of WordPress Twenty Seventeen

    Increasing content width of WordPress Twenty Seventeen

    This will be a short post but hopefully helpful to some of you. It took me a while to get used to the new default theme in WordPress, Twenty Seventeen. I like it a lot now, with the striking visuals and large header images. There was just one problem for me: I think the content…

  • A fresh look

    A fresh look

    After a few years running the WordPress Twenty-Fifteen theme, I decided it was time for a fresh look of the blog. So I spent some time tweaking the new Twenty-Seventeen theme and quickly came to like it. So starting today, when you look Random Musings, Rambling Opinions in your browser, you get the new look.…

  • My 2015 year in blogging

    My 2015 year in blogging

    The helpful helper monkeys at Jetpack have provided a report that allows me to review how my blog did this past year. Not bad for a personal blog that I run mainly for myself. Want to see my 2015 year in blogging? Come right this way!

  • New location and new look

    New location and new look

    It’s been a while in the works but I’ve finally changed some things around here. First of all, this blog has been moved to entirely new site. It is no longer in a co-location hosting centre but instead now lives on its own small server in my home. I’ve added an SSL certificate for encryption…