Tag: security

  • Where is the Nextcloud assistant?

    Where is the Nextcloud assistant?

    I have always seen the benefits of the cloud. Having your data readily available wherever you are in the world, is extremely convenient. Similarly I’ve always been wary of the cloud. Putting your data in the hands of private businesses for free? There has to be a catch, right? And there is: they use it…

  • Top 10 signs you work in IT security

    Top 10 signs you work in IT security

    The following is just a top 10 list of signs you work in IT security. It’s intended to be funny, not be used as guidelines for actual IT security.

  • SSH brute force attacks

    SSH brute force attacks

    I run my weblog on my server, both out of  hobby and because it gives me complete control over the underlying operating system, available software and security mechanisms. As a result, I see all that goes on with this machine, both good and bad.

  • Stand Up for Strong Security

    Stand Up for Strong Security

    Certain factions within the US Congress and the FBI are insisting on the government requiring US technology companies to grant the government special access to devices and cryptographic measures. In essence, they are asking for US technology to be insecure by design. Adding a backdoor for US government agencies is possible but there are serious…

  • Hardening Postfix

    Hardening Postfix

    While there are plenty of good (and not so good) anti-spam solutions available, most of them cost a bit of money in terms of purchasing and licensing fees. Even without a dedicated appliance, there are several ways you can harden the Postfix MTA against spam and other internet nasties. In this article, we’re going to…

  • Using blacklists with iptables

    Using blacklists with iptables

    If you have any kind of system connected to the Internet, you are no doubt aware that no matter how small or unimportant it might seem, it is frequently probed, tested or subject to various attempts at abuse. These attacks come from so many malicious hosts that it is impossible to keep track by hand.…